Friday, August 29, 2008

What’s the difference between NGOON and GOON???

We think that non-government owned online newspaper doesn’t have to worry about readership as their cost is lower, so they can write anything they want, right up to saucy and maybe unknown facts or from unreliable sources, they can quote anyone and not be afraid to be hauled to court because they know as long as they tweak the names a little they are sure to go scot-free.

Whereas for the government-owned online newspaper, they have to be careful in what they write as the attitude or articles that they write might reflect badly on them since they are government-owned. They are more careful in what they write or else they will risk hurting the government's image. Their articles about the opposition or anything need to be vetted so that they would not portray the government in a bad light / sour grapes.

Besides that, in terms of democracy, government-owned newspapers are trying harder to portray that they are democratic but they lose out in the end as their news are slanted towards the government, but then again, not necessarily private-owned newspapers are democratic as well because they tend to focus on things that government-owned newspapers would not write, as in they are more vocal in criticizing government up to the point where sometimes they are too quick to jump to conclusion which might not be a good thing as well because there are some things that government need to do (although its not really right) to put the country in order

Democracy for Malaysia is a far-cry, we all wanted democracy but we are not ready to sacrifice our own comfort for it.

If you are interested in viewing non-government owned online newspaper, please log on to,, On the other hand, there are some government-owned online newspapers such as,, etc. for you to check it out.

1 comment:

Josephine said...

I think they should leave it to the people to make up their own minds about what they read and believe in. Shutting down some online newspaper won't make things get better!